Process Colors

  • Direct printing
  • White garments
  • Cotton
  • Cotton/Polyester, Acrylic & Polyester garments (with LB underlay)
  • Ready to use
  • Extra creamy body
  • Brilliant colors

Low Bleed (LB): Technical Data Sheet

Non-Phthalate Plastisol (Midori Series)

  • 4-Color Process inks were designed to allow the printer to achieve a multitude of colors within the color spectrum by using a minimal number of inks.
  • Bleed Resistance: None
  • Opacity: None
  • Storage: Ideally 65 to 80 F. Keep out of direct sunlight.
  • Mesh: 280 and up
  • Stencil: Any direct emulsion or capillary film.
  • Artwork: Separations are critical to the success of printing these inks.
  • Modifications: To reduce viscosity use Curable Reducer (I10-9906) & to extend color use Soft-hand Base (I10-0111).
  • Squeegee Hardness & Angle: Medium to hard at a 45 degree angle.
  • Flashing: Not recommended.
  • Fusion/Curing:325 F/160 C for 1 to 1 ½ minutes. Oven temperature can be increased and dwell time decreased. For heat presses use 390 F/195 C for 8 seconds.
  • Wash-up: Any plastisol cleaner.
  • Special Notes: PVC inks are thermoplastic compounds that require heat to fuse or cure. If ink rubs off on a white cloth or cracks, temperature and/or dwell time should be increased. Do not dry clean and always test on fabric to be printed.

Recommended Procedures for Process Colors

  1. Set machine pressure just enough to achieve good coverage. Once set do not adjust pressure or it will alter the final shades
  2. Print each of the four colors separately, preferably on the same type of fabric to be used for production. If each color appears strong and vibrant, proceed to the next step, if not, repeat step one.
  3. Print Yellow and Magenta together and evaluate the resulting orange tones against the color key provided by the separator. If the oranges are too yellow add I-10-0111to the yellow to weaken the color strength. If the orange is too red, add the I-10-0111 to the magenta to weaken the color strength.
  4. Print Magenta and Cyan together and evaluate the purple tone to the color key. If the purple is too blue add I-10-0111 to the Cyan. If the purple is too red add I-10-0111 to the Magenta. If the Magenta is adjusted in this step you must repeat step one.
  5. Now print all colors together and evaluate the Black. If the Black is too strong add I-10-0111
  6. Now print all colors, lightest to darkest, together and compare to the color key.
  7. Once the color key has been matched production may begin. Keep the setup as stable as possible. Increasing or decreasing squeegee pressure or the number of strokes will change a color’s value and alter the overall print.
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